"A Redele" CD Release Party
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
@ The Museum at Eldridge Street
12 Eldridge Street, NYC, NY
$15 adults/$12 students and seniors
Brooklyn-based violinist Jake Shulman-Ment is among the leaders of a new
generation of Klezmer and Eastern European folk music performers. On his
debut solo recording, A Redele (A Wheel), he leads an all-star band
presenting ecstatic, soulful original compositions and improvisations as
well as old Jewish and Gypsy songs and melodies, inspired by his extensive
travels in Romania and Hungary, as well as his deep roots in New York Jewish
music. Join us in celebration of the release of this exciting new album of
Yiddish music!
Jake Shulman-Ment - violin, vocals
Benjy Fox-Rosen - bass, vocals
Ben Holmes - trumpet
Art Bailey - accordion
Pete Rushefsky - tsimbl
Make reservations for the concert at
www.eldridgestreet.orgFor sound samples and to order the CD today, visit: