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22 February 2014

Klezmer Podcast 111- Tiembla El Moehl

Klezmer Podcast 111- Tiembla El Moehl. This episode features an interview with the bandTiembla El Moehl, from Buenos Aires, Argentina. They play a lively, upbeat style of Jewish/Klezmer, and keep very busy with Jewish events around the area, plus touring around South America. We hear their track Shuster.
Run time: 27:43

Listen to the Podcast episode here:

Exclusive live performance of Shuster:

Klezmer Podcast 110- Klezmerson

Klezmer Podcast 110- Klezmerson. On this episode my interview guests are Benjamin Shwartz and Dan Zlotnik of the band Klezmerson, from Mexico City. Klezmerson blends Latin rhythms and Klezmer to create a unique musical style all their own. We hear the track Augmented from the album 7. I caught the band at Skirball Center in Los Angeles on 5 October, 2013.
Run time: 17:40

Klezmer Podcast Spotify Monthly Playlist February 2014