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26 May 2016

Nicole Borger no show Raizes/Roots, domingo 29 de maio de 2016 as 12:00h no Teatro Arthur Rubinstein, Clube A Hebraica

Klezmer Podcast 129- Paul Green

Klezmer Meets Jazz

This episode features an interview with Clarinetist Paul Green, who has released a new album of Jazz/Klezmer, Music Coming TogetherGreen does a great job of blending the two genres, particularly on the Klezmer tunes Der Gasn Nigun and Papirosen. But he also is comfortable going the other way, too, as seen in So, Nu? his Klezmer take on the Miles Davis tune So What? After the interview, we listen to the track Tarras Doina and Blues.  
Run time: 35:07.